November 2nd is shaping up to be perhaps the most
crucial Mid -Term election in modern American history.
Facing what is unarguably the darkest economic climate
since the Great Depression, the choices facing Americans
could not be more clear.
Either we continue on the same path we are on now -
more debt, more spending, more government regulation,
or we use this crisis as an opportunity to make a clean
break with the past and begin anew.
And to begin anew, it is going to take more than just
new policies. It is going to take new people in the House
and Senate; new people untainted by the failed policies
and platitudes of BOTH parties which have placed us
in the predicament we are in now.
And, here in Nevada, we have an opportunity to start
the national renewal process that is so badly needed.
We can begin by sending Sharron Angle to represent us
in Washington.
And why are we opposed to Harry Reid? Because
in 24 years in the Senate, good ol' Harry has gone
from representing Nevada in Washington to representing
Washington to Nevada.
We can begin with ObamaCare - the "healthcare reform"
that wasn't. The president had started with a good
premise - that health care in the United States was both
too expensive and inaccessible for the vast majority of
Americans. The Bush years had seen an explosion in
premium costs, vast reductions in coverage, and huge
oligopoly profits for the health insurance industry.
The system was irretrievably broken, and crying out
for drastic reform.
Yet, when the "public option" was on the table,
together with necessary cost controls on pharmaceuticals
and the insurance industry, it was Harry Reid, more
than anyone else, who bluntly told the president that
anything that restricted the profits of the health insurance
industry and Big Pharma was off the table.
Not only would true reform never pass the Senate,
Harry said, but also that he personally could not support
any bill that did not keep control of health care delivery
with the for-profit private sector.
And now we know where that has led us. Health care
premiums are rising at 25-30% rates, millions are facing
the loss of all of their health coverage through employer
plans, and costs are escalating through the roof.
If your employer is dropping your health coverage or
doubling or tripling your premiums or deductibles, you
can thank Harry Reid for that.
And, as the Las Vegas Review-Journal points out, in
its Oct. 3 endorsement of Ms. Angle:
" As he has climbed higher and higher in the Democratic
hierarchy, he has veered further and further to the left,
becoming politically disconnected from Nevada and its
residents "
Truer word was never spoken. And on the other failed
policies of the past two years, on bailouts for Wall Street
and the auto companies, on the pork-laden "stimulus",
on "cap-and-trade" that threatens to sink the nation into
permanent uncompetitiveness, Harry Reid has led the
charge for it all.
Indeed, it can plausibly be argued that rather than"hitching
his wagon" to the Obama agenda, it was Harry Reid who
convinced the President that in order to succeed he needed
to conform his program to the Harry Reid-Nancy Pelosi
agenda of high taxes, intrusive regulation,and crony
capitalism for Wall Street and the Fortune 500.
Finally, there's the issue of who supports who in
this contest. Not only has Harry Reid obtained the
support of the usual Democrat suspects (including
the public employee unions), but he has also obtained
the support of almost every private interest needing a
government-granted "favor" in either
Washington or Carson City.
Both the U.S. and Nevada Chambers of Commerce
are supporting Reid. The gambling and mining
interests have loaded up his campaign coffers
with most of the $25 million Reid is banking for this
election. Even long-time Carson City GOP "fixers"
and "insiders" Sig Rogich and Bill Raggio
have signed on to the Reid bandwagon.
Against all this, Sharron Angle has only the people.
And in this state, the people are, to put it mildly,
fed up. Unenviably, Nevada leads the nation in
foreclosures, bankruptcies, and unemployment rate.
And how has Harry Reid responded? If Harry Reid
were any kind of Democrat Majority Leader, say on
the order of the late Robert C. Byrd of West Virginia,
Nevada should be awash in federal projects, federal
employment, and federal dollars, and riding out the
recession if not comfortably, at least satisfactorily.
Instead, Nevada ranks 49th out of 50 states in overall
federal dollars returned to the state. Fiftieth in federal aid
to highways. A dismal 49th in federal aid to K-12 and higher
education. Indeed, Harry has been so busy handing out
special favors to everyone else he has completely forgotten
the home folks. For a Democrat, that's inexcusable.
Against all this, Sharron Angle represents a
complete break from the failed policies of the past.
A principled and unwavering voice for low taxes,
less regulation, competition and free enterprise,
Sharron Angle will be a key player in making
sure that a more conservative and more Republican
House and Senate stay in line and on message.
And that message is NO to more spending, more
regulation, more debt, and more special favors
and breaks to those corrupt private interests who
have done so much to bring this country to its
And if that's a message you agree with, then the choice is clear.
Vote for Sharron Angle on November 2nd.
I couldn't disagree more. She is an anti-government radical and that's all. She will get rid of Social Security and Medicare! There have been plenty of political ads and gaffes tarnishing Sharron Angle making her 1000% UNELECTABLE. She cares nothing for the people, you sir are a small-minded easily-swayed fool. Yet anyone who is even somewhat right-wing is. It just can't be helped.
ReplyDeleteSharron Angle is a hypocrite. Her husband is a federal employee and she gets government health care from him. Ms. Angle has used the health care without complaint. yet she runs on taking away health care from everyone else! she is an evil uncaring moronic anti-media HYPOCRITE!!!!!!!!
I remember coming upon this blog while websurfing some time ago, it was somewhat interesting, but now your blog is just a dime-a-dozen teabag "obama socialist" blog. mediocre.
Aside from Harry Reid's underperformance on pork, there is little of any truth in this article. Harry Reid isn't a pork king like the late Senator Robert Byrd was. So what? That surely isn't a reason to throw him out to someone who promises Less "spending" which means less money for Nevada and Nevadans.
ReplyDeleteIt is sad that Nevada is 49th out of 50 in collecting federal money. Many Republican states in the South as well as the fascist petro-dictatorship that is Alaska are guilty of overfeeding at the trough, especially Alaska when Sarah Palin was governor.
Oh and the debt is mostly entirely Republicans fault, somewhere in there is interest on 25 year Treasuries that were made in the Reagan Administration. At least Half is George Bushes and Bush's fathers debt.
Please think about these dissents- other people and myself cared enough to write you comments- vote for Harry, even if you're just voting against Angle. Even if you have to do it secretly.
Hello I am an Hispanic high-roller who does successful business on the Vegas Strip. I consider myself a Centrist Conservative who voted for Bush in 2000 when he campaigned as a compassionate conservative and for humble foreign policy. I voted for Bush again in 2004 because Kerry seemed spineless, regretted it in 2005, and proudly voted for Obama in 2008! If Harry Reid avoids disaster he will be a better senator than before. This will probably be his last term and he will be thinking about his legacy. He will try to improve all of Nevada so he will be fondly remembered.
ReplyDeleteSharron Angle is a racist; just today she compared hispanics to asians! She has insulted my people for no reason. Illegal immigration is an issue but this isn't Arizona this is Nevada! To think back, there really isn't anything good about Angle! I preferred someone more moderate like Sue Lowden.
I encourage you to make a followup post to defend your endorsement and respond to the criticism you have received about it.